The Curse of the Number 10

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We all have been there. The magic number 10. Just one point away from 11 and victory. You can almost taste the success.  And that’s when it happens. You turn cocky. Cocky as heck! OVER CONFIDENT.  Then what happens? The opponents start gaining on you. All of a sudden, you and your partner start making silly mistakes as in hitting the ball out or knocking it into the net. You and your partner look at each other in total disbelief as another side out happens, and the opponents gain a couple more points. Uh-oh! They are catching up and now the score is 9-10.

Cocky man for

So now you are really frustrated and try to do some kill shots but alas, they go sailing by your opponents and they yell OUT! Your partner, feeling the same angst, serves the ball into the net. Side out again!

Now the opponents can see you coming unglued and quickly get 3 more points, much to your horror, and win the game. You all go to the net to tap paddles and you have to congratulate them on their comeback.

What happened? It’s the curse of the number 10. I’ve seen it happen over and over again, and it has happened many times to me. But not anymore. Because I figured out how to UNCURSE the number 10.

How do you solve the curse of number 10?

You play with even more control then you did throughout the game. I teach this technique to my students. When you have 10 your strategy is to just get the ball over the net. Do not try for a kill shot. Don’t be tricky with your strokes, just get it over the net. Let the opponents make the mistakes. And they will as long as you stay cool as a cucumber and just place the ball over the net . Sooner than later, your opponents are going to crumble like a saltine cracker, and sweet victory is yours.

Play smart out there.

Pickleball Terry

Pickleball Terry

USA Pickleball Ambassador
PPR Certified Coach
Owner of

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