I had the pleasure of participating in a Suncoast Pickleball Camp in Punta Gorda this past week. What an amazing experience, and boy, did I learn a lot…under fire. The 4 pros, Barry Waddell, John Sperling, Scott Tingley and David Dunkin all kept a close eye on the 32 students, so much so, that 2 courts over from me one of the pros yelled out, “Terry, did I just see you step in the kitchen?”

The camp started at 8:00 a.m. on 8 courts at the Pickleplex. If you don’t know what the Pickleplex is, it consists of 16 outdoor pickleball courts constructed on the Florida Southwestern College campus, and it literally put Punta Gorda on the pickleball map. Read this article here on how much $$$ the Pickleplex brought into the community.
We were divided into groups of 8 and had a different pro in the mornings and afternoons practicing: dinking, reset, lobs, serves, blocking and more, for 7 hours with a break for lunch. After 3 days, I’ll admit I was tired and sore.
It was an amazing experience and I would suggest anyone who is serious about pickleball and sharpening their skills should take a clinic or camp.
On the first day, pro, Barry Waddell, mentioned that there are 12 tremendous pickleball shots with subshots. I asked him to send them to me via email, and I will share them with you.
The 12 Pickleball Shots according to Barry Waddell:
- Serve (3 types: Topspin, Slice, Lob)
- Forehand return of serve (2 types: topspin and slice)
- Backhand return of serve (2 types: topspin, slice)
- Forehand topspin ground stroke drive
- Backhand topspin ground stroke drive
- Forehand volley (5 types: block, jab, roll, reset, kill)
- Backhand volley (5 types: block, jab, roll, reset, kill)
- Overhead smash
- Lob (2 types: flat, topspin)
- Dinking (3 types: flat, slice, roll)
- Third shot drop (3 types: flat, slice, roll)
- ATP shot
There you go. Master these and you master the game of pickleball.

I also was lucky enough to participate in this clinic and cant wait to use some of the skills I learned. I did play for the first time after the clinic and tried some of the new techniques and struggled like I was going backwards. I’m sure over time it will come back with practice and practice. Hope my partners have the patience!! 🙂
Would love to take a clinic or lessons. I am in North Port
Come to the Y Berlin in Sarasota on Fridays 1-3. First time is free. Dinkpickleball@gmail.com
I live in downtown Sarasota. I want to learn how to play pickleball. Are there beginners clinics?
Yes I teach a clinic every Friday at Y Berlin on Euclid St. every Friday 1-3. You are very welcome to join.
Yes at the Y Berlin 1-3 on Fridays. Free the first time.
Is there anyone that gives private lessons outside?
I am trying to move up 1 level!
Yes, I do. give me a call 941-400-0978
Pickleball Terry
I got a lesson from a pro on how to serve June 2020. 3 weeks ago I tried to work on my ground game. Now my serve is inconsistent. I am a 45 year retired racquetball player , so my wrist issue still comes in to play. All that said, I can practice my serve & get it in every time, but jump in a game & I tense up & miss my serve. How do you overcome a head issue?
You have to get out of your head. I stand work my ball carrier and I make my students rapid serve 30 times in a row. After that, they get every serve in.