The Question I Get Asked Most Coaching Pickleball

image of blog for sarasota pickleball

As a pickleball instructor and having taught over 1k students so far, the question I get asked most by novice to intermediate players is, WHY DO WE PRACTICE DINKING IF WE NEVER DINK DURING A GAME?

What is dinking? A dink shot in pickleball is a type of shot that is used to control the pace of the game and to gain an advantage over the opponent. The shot is executed close to the net, usually with a soft touch and with the aim of landing the ball just over the net.

Good question and so true. Warmup in my bootcamps/clinics/private lessons starts with dinking. Usually 100 times back and forth. followed by cross-court dinking, I can image that it is boring to some or even futile as when they play on the public courts, all they do and their opponents do is BANG! Slam! Hit as hard as the can.

Make sure you signup for the tournament at Pompano Park in Sarasota.

I explain, hitting the ball as hard as you can  works well during lower level play, but not in advanced intermediate to advanced. If you are not seeing dinking in your games, you are playing in a lower level. Period.

In advanced games, dinking is an essential strategy. Keeping the ball low is mandatory, and one pop-up is what your opponents were waiting for, and it’s no second chances.

EASY BLUEPRINT What should you do?

1.Serve deep
2 Return deep
3. 3rd Shot Drop
4.Dinking with patience
5.Waiting for your opponents to make the unforced errors

To win in a dinking battle a player must practice dinking in a non-game setting like in one of my clinics. We drill, drill, drill.


If you would like to join one of my BOOTCAMPS, send me your email address and I’ll add you to the list. We practice keeping the ball low,  speedups and resets, target practice,  put-a-ways, doubles strategies, and 3rd Shot Drops.

Thanks for reading and keep playing pickleball.

Pickleball Terry


Pickleball Terry




Playing Pickleball in the Heat and How it Affects Your Heart

playing pickleball in the heat and how it affects your heart

You remember living in the cold, northern part of the country and how people, mostly men, would go out to shovel snow, and a few ended up in the emergency room, or even worse, face first into the sidewalk? That was because shoveling heavy snow caused stress to the heart, and if you’re in advanced years or have an underlying heart condition, shoveling snow is going to cause a heart attack. The same thing is going to happen if you play pickleball in extremely hot temperatures, and to add even more stress, soul-sucking humidity.

I’m not just picking on Florida about the heat, I remember torturous,  long heat spells in northern New York, when it was so hot the horses were not allowed to run at the track in Saratoga Springs. Air conditioning is very limited in northern New York, They are too stubborn to admit they need it. When I was working in New York, I had a large clubhouse with central air conditioning, and this is where people would come and just hangout to escape the heat. In the morning, I would step over sleeping bodies. But back to playing pickleball in the heat in Florida.

women suffering from heat for Sarasota pickleball

Sad to report, that two people had heart attacks on the pickleball courts just last week in the area, and one did not make it. I can’t imagine what they went through and the other players around them that were trying their best to help.

Hot temperatures combined with playing pickleball puts stress on everyone’s heart by causing it to beat faster and works harder to keep the body cool. Throw in a lack of keeping up with hydration, and if there is any kind of underlying heart condition….well, that’s a recipe for disaster. I know we are all addicted to pickleball, but I don’t think we want to sacrifice our life for it.

And please bring ice! I see players come to the courts in 90 degree temperature with high humidity, and they have one bottle of water. Nope! That’s not going to work. You perspire around 34 ounces of water while playing for just an hour. Of course, some people sweat more because of medications they are taking, being overweight, overall health, and lack of physical fitness. And some people just sweat a lot. (Hello Sweaty Dan!)

Things to do to prevent a heart attack on the court.

  • Go to your doctor for a stress test and heart health check.
  • Try to play indoors or early in the morning, late at night.
  • Don’t play as many games as you do in cooler weather.  (Three hours of continuous play in this heat! Really?!)
  • Play a game then sit out two. (I know, torture!)
  • Don’t play everyday.
  • Drink 17 to 20 ounces or water before you play.
  • Bring a cooler of ice. Make sure you ice your water to cool yourself down with between games. Strive to drink 8 to 10 ounces between games. Put a pinch of sea salt in your drinking water.
  • At the first wave of dizziness, please sit down, rest, then go home and soak in your pool or stay inside with A/C.
  • If you feel very unwell, (heat stroke or exhaustion can strike suddenly) ask another player to call 911. Better safe than sorry.
  • Good gracious! What are you doing playing in a summertime pickleball tournament?! It’s too hot!

Symptoms of heat exhaustion:

  • Cool, moist skin
  • Possibly a sudden headache
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling like you have lost peripheral vision
  • Loss of balance

Misting fan/Portable Click Here 

The more serious one…Heat Stroke!

  • Irrational behavior. (Yes, sometimes hard to recognize on the pickleball court.)
  • Weak pulse
  • Dry/hot skin to the touch
  • Seizure
  • Unconsciousness

Did you know that if you are taking certain medications, you are more likely to have heat related problems?

  • Beta Blockers
  • Ace inhibitors
  • Calcium channel blockers

Please keep it safe on the courts this summer. There are plenty of places to play indoors around Sarasota. Church of the Palms, CoreSRQs, Health Fit, RL Taylor. Venice Community Center on Mondays. Englewood Sports Complex. GT Bray has shade on their outdoor courts, and I hope that the Pickleball Club with indoor courts would please open soon.

Stay cool, Stay hydrated. Don’t overdo it.  (If you think you have a pickleball addiction problem, call 941-400-0978)

Thanks for reading,

Pickleball Terry

  • Clinics
  • Bootcamps
  • Tournaments
  • Pickleball consulting
Terry Ryan or Pickleball Terry with friends
Pickleball Terry

Founder and owner of Sarasota Pickleball Organization LLC







The Tremendous 12 Pickleball Shots

A picture of Pickleball Terry, Terry Ryan, and Coach Russell of Suncoast Pickleball
Pickleball Terry
Receiving instructions at Pickleball Camp

I had the pleasure of participating in a Suncoast Pickleball Camp in Punta Gorda this past week.  What an amazing experience, and boy, did I learn a lot…under fire. The 4 pros, Barry Waddell, John Sperling, Scott Tingley and David Dunkin all kept a close eye on the 32 students, so much so, that 2 courts over from me one of the pros yelled out, “Terry, did I just see you step in the kitchen?”

Sue serving at the Pickleball Camp
Sue showing her serve.

The camp started at 8:00 a.m. on 8 courts at the Pickleplex. If you don’t know what the Pickleplex is, it consists of 16 outdoor pickleball courts constructed on the Florida Southwestern College campus, and it literally put Punta Gorda on the pickleball map. Read this article here on how much $$$ the Pickleplex brought into the community.

We were divided into groups of 8 and had a different pro in the mornings and afternoons practicing: dinking, reset, lobs, serves, blocking and more, for 7 hours with a break for lunch. After 3 days, I’ll admit I was tired and sore.

It was an amazing experience and I would suggest anyone who is serious about pickleball and sharpening their skills should take a clinic or camp.

On the first day, pro, Barry Waddell, mentioned that there are 12 tremendous pickleball shots with subshots. I asked him to send them to me via email, and I will share them with you.

The 12 Pickleball Shots according to Barry Waddell:

  1. Serve (3 types: Topspin, Slice, Lob)
  2. Forehand return of serve (2 types: topspin and slice)
  3. Backhand return of serve (2 types: topspin, slice)
  4. Forehand topspin ground stroke drive
  5. Backhand topspin ground stroke drive
  6. Forehand volley (5 types: block, jab, roll, reset, kill)
  7. Backhand volley (5 types: block, jab, roll, reset, kill)
  8. Overhead smash
  9. Lob (2 types: flat, topspin)
  10. Dinking (3 types: flat, slice, roll)
  11. Third shot drop (3 types: flat, slice, roll)
  12. ATP shot

There you go. Master these and you master the game of pickleball.

A picture of Pickleball Terry Ryan and Coach Russell from Suncoast Pickleball
Pickleball Terry and Coach Russell, owner of Suncoast Pickleball