Why I Resigned as an USA Pickleball Ambassador

As of today (8/04/21), I am no longer an USA Pickleball Ambassador. (I loved being a USA Pickleball Ambassador.) Why? I received a call from a director of the Florida USA ambassadors last night, and he informed me that USA Pickleball Org had received a communication from a fellow player in Sarasota complaining that they were not being treated fairly by Pickleball Terry. I thought the complaints were rather silly…she drops people off her email listshe won’t post our pictures…things of that sort. First of all, my weekly emails have nothing to do with the USA Pickleball Org, but I agree that an ambassador should keep things separate. For example, don’t mix being a paddle dealer with I’m a USA Pickleball Ambassador. USA Pickleball has a strict rule about that. Now I know.

Pickleball Terry with friends at RL Taylor

So that there is no more confusion, and so that I am able to carry on without worrying that someone is going to go over my head and complain to my “boss,” I decided to leave on a high note. That way I won’t be responsible for doing anything wrong in conjunction with  USA Pickleball. (Being an ambassador is a volunteer position.)

Pickleball Terry

USA Pickleball Organization is a great resource, and I recommend all pickleball players to become a member. Their website is full of wonderful information, and I enjoyed my time as an USA Pickleball Ambassador, but it’s time to move on.  Maybe that guy who complained about me would like to pick up the torch and become an ambassador? No hard feelings. People have to do what they have to do.

My new title is (Self-appointed) Sarasota Pickleball Representative.

Thanks for reading,

Zane with Pickleball Terry
Pickleball Terry and Zane

Pickleball Terry
Terry Ryan
Owner of Sarasotapickleball.com