Are You Addicted to Pickleball?

Might as well face it you’re addicted to pickleball.  That’s a twist on the song MIGHT AS WELL FACE IT YOU’RE ADDICTED TO LOVE.  Ha ha! It is real? The addiction?

Let’s look at the signs you may be addicted:

  • Lack of control, or inability to stay away from playing pickleball
  • Abandoning commitments or ignoring relationships to play pickleball
  • Ignoring risk factors as in playing on an injured knee even though your doctor told you not to
  • Physical effects, like withdrawal symptoms or needing to play more and more pickleball

Most people reading this will check off all four, and I am also in that group. Case and point: I broke my toe a while back and my doctor told me to wear an orthopedic boot for 3 weeks until my next appointment, and no pickleball. Did I listen? Nope! I shoved my foot into a court shoe every morning and played through the pain. Once I took that shoe off, my foot would blowup like a balloon, and I would soak it in ice water until I could limp around again. Ugh! I know!

The other day, I went to the courts and ran into people I haven’t seen in awhile. Veteran players who started this wonderful sport called PICKLEBALL around the same time I did, and it seemed like they all had different injuries that they were trying to work around. Plantar fasciitis. Rotator cuff tears. Meniscus injuries. Tennis elbow.  Sciatica pain. I’m thought, it looks like they have all come back from being in a war, and the war is pickleball. Oh, the limping, the moaning and the rubbing of sore parts. It was sad to see.

Take some time off

Hey, it’s okay, that’s right, OKAY to take some time off. In fact, it can help your game. Playing non-stop can be bad for your play. Doing the same mistake over and over again may just being adding insult to injury. Stepping away for a couple of weeks or a month may be just what your body ordered.  I know you may have FOMO (fear of missing out), but you’ll be fine and probably better when you come back.

What do the orthopedics at SMH call pickleball? Oh, that’s right CRIPPLEBALL! They see so many injuries from pickleball it has earned it the nickname “crippleball.” They secretly despise pickleball, but I don’t know why, it’s good $$$ for the doctors.

Pickleball Terry

Skirt with leggings

Things people have told me:

  • I can’t wait to get finished with physical therapy so I can get back to pickleball.
  • I broke up with her because nothing gets in the way of my pickleball!
  • I can play with my left hand until my shoulder heals from shoulder replacement.
  • I went back up north and I couldn’t wait to get back here to play pickleball because I felt withdrawal symptoms.
  • I’m putting off surgery because I don’t want to take time off from pickleball.

Other ways to know if you are playing too much:

  • You have no other interests or hobbies.
  • You only socialize with people who play pickleball.
  • You dream about pickleball.
  • Your non-pickleball friends and family roll their eyes because all you want to do is talk about pickleball.
  • You have an extensive court shoe collection.
  • You own more than 2 paddles.
  • Every weekend you spend competing in tournaments.
  • You play morning, afternoon and night on the same day.
  • You play more than 3 days a week.
  • You are obsessed with pickleball and feel offended when someone plans a game time and doesn’t invite you.
  • You’ll ditch your bestfriend to play with a better player.
  • You are obsessed with buying different paddles because you think what’s wrong with your game is your paddle.
  • You snap at people on the courts because, let’s say, they don’t run for the ball fast enough. (I have seen this.)
  • You fight with people on the courts.


When I coach a beginner for their first time, I say, “Your whole life will change,” and it does. They become addicted and I feel like the dealer.

But we also have a good time. I have the honor and pleasure of playing with many wonderful people. I just want to see them last a long time and play for many years, so I warn them about overdoing it.

Pickleball. It can take over your life. So, be wise and play with care. Have other activities and hobbies besides pickleball.

As a wise man once said, if you’re not having fun, why play?

I always say, “It’s just pickleball.” Or, “Do we have 10k on this game?”

Thanks for reading.a picture of pickleball Terry for Sarasota Pickleball a cure for depression

Pickleball Terry
Founder and CEO of Sarasota Pickleball Organization LLC
PPR Certified Instructor
Seen in Sarasota Magazine, The Scene,
Head Pickleball Coach at The Isles and Core SRQ Sarasota
All around nice person…


Your Lizard Brain And Pickleball

Your Lizard Brain and Pickleball

Your lizard brain…what?! I have a LIZARD BRAIN and what does it have to do with pickleball? Good question. Let’s start with the lizard brain…

Also referred to as your reptilian brain as it refers to the most primitive part of our brain, where lay the instincts that warn us of danger when it lurks.

Image result for reptilian brain psychology

The “basal ganglia” (lizard brain) refers to a group of subcortical nuclei within the brain responsible primarily for motor control, as well as other roles such as motor learning, executive functions, emotional behaviors, and play an important role in reward and reinforcement, addictive behaviors and habit formation.
In Nick Bollettieri, tennis master and founder of IMG tennis camp, said in his documentary (Love Means Zero-Showtime) about your lizard brain, it is the part of your brain that automatically knows when to step out of the way of a speeding car. You don’t have to process it…look there is a car…what should I do?  No, the lizard brain automatically takes over and you jump out of the way.
Wilson Men’s Pickleball Shoes Click Here
Activate your automatic…This is what your pickleball instructor means when they say, “MUSCLE MEMORY.” The pickleball students execute a drill over and over again until it is locked and loaded into their brain and it becomes automatic.
Example: I was standing at the net at my Friday clinic when one of my students popped the ball up.  At the moment, my thinking was more on what I was going to cook for dinner, but my lizard brain saw the ball and I automatically slammed it down the middle and past the dinking students. I apologized immediately. One of  them said wide eyed, “How did you do that?”  I said, “My lizard brain took over.”
Hence: to be better, to level up, and to be a competitive player, you have to DRILL DRILL DRILL.  What do you have to do? DRILL!!! Lock in to your muscle memory.
If you don’t want to drill, you don’t want to win.
But Terry, drilling is boring. No. it isn’t. If you find it boring, you are doing it wrong. Get a foursome together and go to a court, not during the morning rush, and drill. Set a length of time, say for an hour or two.  Somebody gets lazy in the group and declares it is boring and they want to play a game, then don’t ask them to drill next time. Get a group of DEDICATED TO IMPROVE. DRILL FOR THE THRILL!
Pickleball Terry
Receiving instructions at Pickleball Camp

Examples of some drills

Youtube is an excellent source to find pickleball drills. You can do 3rd Shot Drop drills, and dinking drills. Or sign up for a drill session with me.

Complaining students…

Whoa… I have blogged about this before, that in a clinic I was taking in Punta Gorda, one of the players complained to the instructor that his drill was boring. Oh, it went from bad to worse in just a few seconds as the student was scolded by the coach. “Don’t tell me how to run my class.” he demanded.

And I’ve had that happen to me. “Let’s move on, this is boring,” said one of my students. I moved on to another drill hoping she would find it more interesting.

Tom Brady: Hey Coach, I don’t have to practice anymore, I’m Tom Brady.
Coach: Get out of here!
Muscle Memory and Learning Skills

The famous saying practice makes perfect applies here.

You might have heard people mention the term muscle memory when you’ve been training and exercising. Muscle memory can also be referred to as motor memory and it refers to your body’s memory to perform certain actions.

And researching MUSCLE MEMORY I find this…

The two parts of the brain which are responsible for controlling the muscle memory are the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. They help to learn sequences of actions and help to adjust errors in learning in order to improve our ability to perform the movements correctly.

The cerebellum (which is Latin for “little brain”) is a major structure of the hindbrain that is located near the brainstem. This part of the brain is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements. It is also responsible for a number of functions including motor skills such as balance, coordination, and posture.

In order to learn movements and make them habits which can be performed efficiently, you must go through a process of attempting the movements and then refining these movements until you are happy with how you perform them. The movement or behavior becomes learned and ‘hard wired.”

To Order Click Here

A good example of this could be the first time you preform a pickleball underhanded serve with a continental grip. It feels weird and you fail at first, but keep on trying and you are able to improve your serve. During this process, you go from thinking really hard about how to execute it to performing it effortlessly without thinking!

The best example of motor memory would be learning to drive or to ride a bicycle – combinations of movements which at first are extremely difficult but once mastered are performed mostly without over thinking.

I hope this blog post inspires you to drill and not just get out there and play. Unless you are just a Sunday/Funday- kind of player, then ignore all of the above. But for the players who want to become better and be the kind of player everyone wants to challenge on the courts, then drilling is thrilling, and practice makes a better player.

Thank you for reading! All the best!

Pickleball Terry

Picture of Pickleball Terry, Terry Ryan

USA Pickleball Ambassador
PPR Certified Coach
Owner of

New Pickleball Rules For 2021 by Pickleball Terry

New Rules For Pickleball 2021

Yesterday I received an email with the new rule changes to the Official Pickleball Rule Book from the USA Pickleball Association. Surprisingly, the “let” rule has been eliminated. Meaning, that there are no more LETS on the serve. If during the serve, the ball hits the net but lands in the opponents correct side of the court, and not in the kitchen, it is a playable ball. No more TAKE OVERS. If someone calls a FAULT and stops the play, they lose the serve, or if the opponents yell LET during  serve the, the serving side gains a point.

Or when the ball hits the net then lands in the kitchen, the server loses the serve. This should move the game along.

Another interesting change, you can not hit a ball then call BALL and a replay if a ball rolls on the court.  You must stop play before returning a stroke. As in no more, I messed up but it was because a ball rolled on the court.

Rule 4 M 11 States that it is a FAULT if the ball is served before the entire score is being called. This is to end quick serving. (A tactic to catch opponents off guard. Can’t do that anymore.)

Here is a new one…a player may use their paddle to toss the ball up for the serve. You no longer are just limited to your other hand to toss the ball for the serve. Reason…to stop the spread of disease. (Not making this up.)

There are 81 pages of changes, most have to do with clarifications when a referee is present. But here it is in PDF for you to review.

  NEW CHANGES TO THE USA PICKLEBALL RULES FOR 20212021 Change Document 12-13-20

Thanks for reading,

Pickleball Terry
USA Pickleball Ambassador
Certified Pickleball Coach PPR
Owner of


My Review of the Rogue 2 Gel-Core

By pickleball Terry

I couldn’t resist trying out the Rogue 2E Gel-Core paddle. Everyone has heard of the honeycomb core, usually nomex material. Did you know that nomex is a popular material used for building aircraft interiors?

Nomex can be rigid and unpredictable, and also giving the paddle that loud POP sound when hitting the ball.

In recent years, polypropylene have become popular for pickleball paddle cores, and much more forgiving as far as the ball direction. This led to Players Pickleball Company to come up with a polypropylene/gel combination. Their solution is an entirely new hybrid material made possible by a proprietary manufacturing techniques. Without giving away too many secrets, they use an polypropylene honeycomb material that has been infused with an elastomeric material within the paddle face. They are able to fine-tune the infusion process to provide several benefits.

For those who prefer an elongated paddle shape, they bring you the Rogue2E! At 17″, it’s the maximum length allowed by the USAPA.

The Rogue2/Rogue2E paddles are game-changing in more ways than one. Featuring the new and improved 2nd Generation Gel-Core technology, vibration-damping carbon fiber throat reinforcement, and massively increased durability, all with a price well below the competition, the Rogue2/Rogue2E are a hit for players at all levels. I paid $129.00 and free shipping through the link below.

The video below covers all of the features of the Rogue2. The Rogue2E is the same paddle, just in a different shape.

Overall, I thought the paddle was excellent with control of shots. It has a lot of oomph and I was hitting the balls  harder than I am used to. Something to get used to so you don’t hit a ball out. It has a long handle perfect for two-handed backhand players, but I found the grip (4 1/8 circumference) a little slippery so I will add an overlay grip.

The paddle has a graphite face for slicing and I was able to hit a couple of NO RETURNERS just dropping the ball over the net.

There are several colors and I purchased the ROGUE2 ARTWORK CONTEST WINNER FEATURING SCOTT GRENSTED

Gel-Core Second Generation Pickleball Paddle

The Second Generation Gel-Core improves the paddle in several measurable ways:

  • Larger Sweet Spot
  • Greater Paddle Stability on Ball Impact
  • Reduced Vibrations Transmitted to the Player’s Hand
  • Softer Ball Impact Sound
  • Improved Durability over First Generation

They took the blueprint for the 1st generation Gel-Core, which was already a proven performer and refined it further, giving it much increased durability along with improved vibration absorbing characteristics.

Players Pickleball is based in Bellingham, Washington, just a short distance from the birthplace of the sport. All of their paddles are USAPA-Approved and proudly made in the USA.

I loved this paddle after using it once. If you want to demo the paddle, send me an email or spot me on the courts.

Pickleball Terry


A Dream And a Plan: The Beach Boyz in Fort Myers

I have been following Dan Schuyler on Instagram for a few months and noticed he was posting interesting pictures of a build-out he and friends are doing in Fort Myers for an indoor pickleball court. So, I called him because I wanted to purchase one of his T-shirts.  I like the colorful design.

Dan’s history, is he was an avid tennis player and would partner-up with pros like Nick Bollettieri, one of the owners of IMG. One day he was playing tennis on Palm Island and he was asked by the people in a court nearby, to be a fourth for pickleball. He said he always had his nose up in the air when it came to pickleball, believing it was beneath him, but they pleaded. Then he played and was hooked!

When COVID-19 came and with pickleball venues closing down, Dan came up with an idea to purchase a facility and build his own indoor pickleball court. He found a place with 4k sq. ft., purchased it for 1.2 million in Fort Myers and began to find corporate sponsors: Kyle Yates, Nu Life, YOLO, etc.

He plans to have pro clinics, personal lessons, a lounge, a sky box for viewers, peloton bikes, and a large screen to view and analyze players.  His moto is, train, play, practice.

Dan wants to make this a go-to destination with a fitness center, dart boards, ping pong, and social functions such as barbecues. (Only one pickleball court.)

It sounds like a fantastic place for Dan and his friends to hang out. Or if you take a clinic with Kyle Yates that could be your ticket in.

Doesn’t exactly sound like a money making proposition, and Dan says it is not. He just wants to have fun.

And I did get the T-shirt.

By Pickleball Terry




Meet Janet – a New Pickleball Enthusiast

Meet Janet. Pickleball enthusiast.

Sarasota pickleball

Janet never played racket sports before, but her neighbor told her one day to play pickleball. She tried it and loved it (who doesn’t). Soon she signed up as a member at Palm Aire and played with some much better players who told her to find something else to do. But she stayed with it and at the end of the summer she received the MOST IMPROVED award.

From Omaha, Nebraska, she moved down to Florida in 1984. Janet didn’t have time to play sports because she worked back then, but now she lives in Mote Ranch and plays at least 3 days a week.  I ran into her at Longwood Park.

Her advice is…Do not be intimidated by better players, but also you don’t want to ruin their game. Find a good in between and stick with it.