Pickleball: Redefining Retirement

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By Pickleball Terry

Recently, a chiropractor I was speaking with made the following statement: “Pickleball is redefining retirement.” Wow, that is really true, I thought. Now that pickleball is so available to retirees, retirement is different. Could you picture your parents playing pickleball? What if your mother apologized for having to miss watching the kids because she needed to play pickleball? Heck, no!


Grandparents today appear and feel younger than ever. Additionally, they are active. Pickleball is ideal for senior citizens since it combines exercise with a strong sense of community and a vibrant social life. I believe that in their retirement years, prior generations were lacking something. We are so fortunate to have pickleball.

I noticed a big difference between seniors who play pickleball and those who don’t. People who play look younger, act younger and feel younger. Have you gone to a high school reunion lately and compare yourself to the other people in your class that don’t play a sport regularly? Yikes!

Let’s look at why pickleball is so popular with retirees.

  1. Physical Activity: Pickleball is a low-impact sport that is easy for retirees to pick up. It provides an excellent way to stay physically active and maintain overall health without putting too much strain on joints. Many retirees are embracing this sport as a way to stay fit and healthy.
  2. Social Engagement: Pickleball is a social sport that allows retirees to connect with others in their age group. It fosters a sense of community and camaraderie, which is important for mental and emotional well-being during retirement.
  3. Inclusivity: Pickleball is relatively easy to learn, making it accessible to people of various skill levels. This inclusivity means that retirees with varying athletic abilities can participate and enjoy the sport.

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  4. Competition and Challenges: Retirement doesn’t mean the end of competitiveness. Many retirees enjoy the challenge of pickleball, whether they play for fun or in more competitive settings. This keeps their minds sharp and provides a sense of purpose.
  5. Recreation and Enjoyment: Retirement should be a time to enjoy life, and pickleball offers a recreational activity that retirees find fun and engaging. It’s an excellent way to spend leisure time and enjoy retirement to the fullest.
  6. Community Building: Many retirement communities and active adult communities have embraced pickleball as a core activity. This has led to the construction of dedicated pickleball courts and facilities, further fostering a sense of community and purpose.New Balance Pickleball Shoes

Pickleball is redefining retirement by promoting an active, social, and enjoyable lifestyle for retirees. It encourages physical activity, social engagement, and a sense of community, helping retirees lead fulfilling and healthy lives during their retirement years.

Thanks for reading,
Pickleball Terry
A comic of 2 squirrels playing pickleball

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