Since my first entry into the pickleball community, I was pulled into it just for that reason. The sense of community. Looking around the courts, I saw happy faces. People having fun! I wanted more of that. The concept of OPEN PLAY/DROP-IN drew me and everyone right in. You could just show up somewhere and play. No reservations needed. No league you had to signup for. Freedom to play at an incredible low price. What was it? $2.00?! All that fun for $2.00. And they even supplied the balls. I get semimetal every time I hold a Jugg ball in my hand. Of course this was all indoor in Sarasota County facilities, where we were booted out of the gyms when school was on vacation. and kid’s camps would take over.
Then COVID hit and we all regrouped to outdoor courts where we played in OPEN CONCEPT. Worked wonderfully and we all found out that we love playing outside. Another bonus for living in Florida. Life is good!
Now we have both, indoor and outdoor places to play. The indoor facilities organized by levels of play. Intermediate to advance on certain days, and beginner to novice on other days. Plus, new dedicated courts are in the process of being constructed. Longwood Park will have 6 dedicated outdoor courts, and Pompano will have 12 dedicated outdoor courts located right next to the Legacy Trail for people who want to bike to the park. (Longwood is scheduled to open on July 5 and Pompano looks more like September.)
GT Bray Park in Bradenton just completed and opened their 20 new dedicated pickleball courts with 14 under cover. Wow! They also have indoor courts, too. But I must admit. I was surprised to see that they have a reservation system for the majority of the courts. Only 4 are left for open play. Hmmm.
I just read this article (Click below on it to read)
Warnings to the Current Fastest Growing Sport (Pickleball) from a Former Fastest Growing Sport (Racquetball)
I believe that the reason pickleball works and is the fastest growing sport is because of the following:
- Social connections
- Physical activity that is fun
- No age limit
- All skills
- Easy to learn
- Inexpensive
- No commitment
All the factors above made it soar in popularity. I think reserving courts kind of takes away from the DROP-IN concept that I think made pickleball so popular and inclusive. Do I want to find 3 other people who want to play at a certain time, and then make a reservation? Maybe sometimes. Do I want to wake up and feel like playing pickleball and know that I can always go to a park and know that OPEN PLAY will be going on and I can just drop in? You bet! Love it! That’s what works for me. How about you?
As pickleball evolves through the years, the paddles are getting better and more expensive. It’s hard to keep my $200.00 Gearbox models in stock. What the heck? They are all probably coming out of the same Chinese factory. So many paddle brands now, there is a new one popping up every week. A couple were banned from the US Open because of too much grit on the paddle face.
There are more clinics and tournaments. I see new pickleball coaches becoming certified so more lessons for beginners and players who want to learn from seasoned players. All this is great for our beloved sport!
What I LOVE about drop-in, I can go anywhere in the USA and find courts. What a disappointment it would be if I went to let’s say, Arizona, and I showed up at a court only to be asked, “Did you make a reservation?” Ugh!
For me, I love the drop-in concept. Show up and meet new people. I get phone calls from visitors looking for drop-in play. I send them to Colonial Oaks Park and Bayfront Park. I always say, “Real friendly group.” The visitor sometimes report back to me…you’re right. They were real friendly and fun!
Let’s keep pickleball OPEN. More drop-in play. That’s what it is all about.
Thanks for reading.
Pickleball Terry
PPR Certified Coach
Founder and owner of
Private Lessons