Ode to Dick-Our Man at Colonial Oaks Park

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It was a few years ago that Dick Friede and Jan Wilhelm showed up to play pickleball inside at Colonial Oaks Park. I must admit, we were all a little scared of his serves and drives. Boy, he could and still can hit the ball hard. He got many serves by us, but alas, things have changed and the rest of us have stepped up our game and now return Dick’s high-powered serves. Well, most of them. And thanks to Dick’s BLOCKING DRILLS, we are able to block his lighting-fast drives…again most of them.


One day, a few years ago, Dick asked me advertise in my newsletter, Intermediate and Advanced Play Everyday at Colonial Oaks Park outside on the courts, much to the dismay of the tennis players.

Now Dick religiously comes every morning at 7:30a.m. with 4 nets and sets them up. One side of the courts have painted lines for pickleball, but the other side, Dick manages to chalk in somewhat straight lines. No one questions them by pulling out a yardstick; we’re just happy he does it.

A picture of Dick and Jan of Sarasotapickleball.com

His lovely partner, Jan, is also a force to be reckoned with on the courts. Though small in stature, she is fast as a bullet, and from years of playing tennis, knows how to place a ball so it’s out of reach for the other team. Anyway, they make a good couple on and off the pickleball court.

On Saturday, May 8, the usual Colonial Oaks gang arrived around 7:30 only to find that someone was there before them and left a message for Dick. An anonymous message by the way.  It was a nice way to say, “Dick. you are appreciated!” (Jan, you too.)

Thanks Dick and Jan from all the players at Colonial Oaks Park.


Ode to Dick in Sarasotapickleball.com

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