Have You Signed-Up For The Pickleball Fest Tournament?

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Join us on Saturday, November 13, 2021, at Newtown Estates Park in Sarasota for our inaugural Sertoma Kids’ Pickleball Fest! Space is limited to the first 64 registered players, so don’t wait! There are GREAT prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each skill level, plus lots of free gifts and giveaways for ALL participants. Continental breakfast and after-party are included as well. Register today at sertomakids.org/pickleball

Only 64 players. Filling up fast.



What is Sertoma Kids, LLC?

It is a non-profit that provides speech therapy for children who may not be able to afford services. Many of the children have autism or disabilities.

How did Pickleball Terry become involved with this tournament?

I was sent an invite for lunch at Lauren Johnson’s house for the first brain-storming meeting for the possibility to host a tournament as a fundraiser. Lauren and most of the other women at the meeting, were avid pickleball players, and I recognized them from playing on the courts. Great ideas were tossed around as we ate lunch, and the Sertoma Kids’ Pickleball Fest was born.

Sarasota Pickleball
Where it began


Now moths later, they have already secured sponsors, and joined up with the Flanzer Foundation that will match all funds that are taken in for this great tournament.

The Flanzers for Sarasota
Louis & Gloria Flanzer
The mission of the Flanzer Philanthropic Trust is to enhance the life of the people of the Suncoast through social services and healthcare initiatives


If you would like to be a sponsor for the Sertoma Kids Pickleball Fest, here are more details. Click Here.

What is the tournament format?

It is a fun round robin. You do not need to sign up with a partner, and will play with other liked skilled players. The winners from each skill level will compete with each other for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. They will receive great prizes!!!

Each person is guaranteed 6 games.

What else will be there?

It’s a festival… a pickleball festival! The Toasted Mango is providing breakfast to all tournament participants, the Surly Mermaid is providing lunch. All FREE for tournament participants! If you bring guests, they may purchase food from the vendors.

Silent Auction

Themed gift baskets and other surprises will be auctioned off.


Do not miss out on the fun. Spots are filling up fast! Max 64 players.

How do you sign up?

Go here and sign up. NOTE: And this is important. When you sign-up, you will be directed to the Flanzer Foundation site. There is a drop down tab and you will have to filter through many non-profits. Make sure you select SERATOMA KIDS. That way you will get credit and be officially signed up for the tournament. If you have any questions. please email Lauren Johnson at  johnsonlauren642@icloud.com.

Lauren JohnsonLauren Johnson. Lauren is a recent retiree from the Sarasota County School District, having taught kindergarten through second grade for 44 wonderful years. She earned her master’s degree from USF in Gifted Education and was most passionate about gifted education and the sensory needs of gifted children. She also helped begin the first chartered middle school, Sarasota School for the Arts and Sciences, in Sarasota and worked tirelessly on that board of directors for three years. Lauren has been recognized for her accomplishments with children and the arts, being named Teacher of the Year at Fruitville Elementary School and Florida Studio Theatre’s Teacher of the Year. Now, she is loving retirement with her husband, Mark, and taking the time to frequently see their grandchildren. Playing pickleball, learning golf, biking, kayaking and recently joining the Sertoma Kids Board of Directors has kept Lauren quite active in the community.

Go here and sign-up and I’ll see you there!  sertomakids.org/pickleball

Thank you for supporting our tournament. 100% of funds donated for this tournament all go to the Sertoma Kids!

Thank you for reading.

Pickleball Terry is a Gearbox Dealer

Pickleball Terry
Pickleball Coach
Gearbox Paddles Dealer


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