Yes, the new rules by the International Federation of Pickleball and therefor the USA Pickleball Organization have been released. The big question everyone wants to know…IS THE DROP SERVE STILL IN? Yes, it is.

Drop Serve
4.A.6.a. Servers must release the ball from one of the server’s hands or dropped off the server’s paddle face from any natural (unaided) height and hit the ball after the ball bounces. There is no restriction how many times the ball can bounce nor where the ball can bounce on the playing surface. The
server’s release of the ball must be visible to the referee and the receiver. In matches without a referee, the server’s release of the ball must be visible to the receiver. A replay shall be called before the return of serve if the release of the ball is not visible. The rules for feet placement (4.A.4) still apply.
4.A.6.b. The ball shall not be propelled (thrown)
downward or tossed or hit upward with the
4.A.6.c. If the drop serve is used, the ball may be
struck with either a forehand or backhand
motion without any other restriction i.e., the
location restrictions of the ball and paddle.
Is the Chainsaw Serve legal? No!
New Rule: The Volley Serve. The server shall use only one hand to release the ball to perform the serve. If the ball is visibly spun by the server during the release, the part(s) of the hand contacting the ball must be bare. The server’s release of the ball must be visible to the referee and the receiver. In matches without a referee, the server’s release of the ball must be visible to the receiver. A replay shall be called before there turn of serve if the release of the ball is not visible or if the referee (or receiver in non-officiated matches) cannot discern whether an item on the hand contacted a visibly
spun ball. Exception: A player who has the use of only one hand may use their hand or paddle to release the ball to perform the serve.
Can I bring 2 balls on the court with me?
Yes, but the second ball must be hidden. You cannot at anytime have 2 balls in your hand. If the ball you are carrying in a pocket and out of view, suddenly slips out of your pocket and lands on the court, that is a fault.
Are headphones allowed?
No, Nope.
Calling the wrong score
YOU CAN’T STOP PLAY IF YOU THINK THE WRONG SCORE IS CALLED!!! You now must wait until the rally is over than say, hey I believe you called the wrong score. Correction is made then to the score. It is not a fault. If you do STOP play and say…hey, you called the wrong score, then the player who stopped the play receives a fault. (I know, right!)
Existing: Wrong Score Called. If the server or referee calls the wrong score, any player may stop play before the “third shot” occurs to ask for a correction.
New: Wrong Score Called. If the server or referee calls the wrong score, once the serve is made, play shall continue to the end of the rally and the correction made before the next serve. After the serve is made, a player who stops play based solely on an incorrect score call, will have committed a fault and shall lose the rally.
Did you know there is a difference between a fault and a FOUL?
A fault occurs when a player hits the ball out of the court, steps into the NVZ before a bounce, steps on the baseline during a serve, hits the ball into the net, touches the net during a shot, etc. When that happens, the serving team either loses their serve or, if the opponents made the fault, the serving team wins a point. BUT if during a game, a player uses profanity (in a tournament) he receives a FOUL and a point is deducted from his team’s score. Or if he intentionally slams the ball after a point because of anger and doesn’t care where it ends up endangering his opponents or spectators, that is a FOUL.
Proposed changes that didn’t make it in. (Thank goodness!)
Rally scoring
Partners not rotating when winning a point
Surprising things
- You can now change starting servers between games in tournaments.
- You can take your 2 time outs between games. There are usually 3 minutes between games, but now if you think you’ll need more time (like for a bathroom break) you can add your 2 upcoming time outs (2 minutes total) to the time between games. Thought you’d like to know.
Something I wished made the cut
Saying the starting score as zero-zero-start. It stays as zero-zero-two. Why? I coach a lot of beginners. Saying zero-zero-start is easier when teaching scoring.
Click here for a copy of the Official 2022 RulesUSA-Pickleball-Rulebook
Spin Serves (4.A.5)
In 2022, the server shall use only one hand to release the ball to
perform the serve. If the ball is visibly spun by the server during
the release, the part(s) of the hand contacting the ball must be
The Drop Serve (4.A.6)
No changes were made to the drop serve other than to remove its
Provisional status.
Wrong Score Called (4.K)
The rules concerning what happens if the wrong score is called by
a player or a referee have changed. If a player thinks a wrong
score has been called, a player may stop play to ask for a
correction before the ball is served. If it has been served, the rally
is to be played out and the score correction (if any) is made before
the next serve occurs.
A Dropped Ball (7.N)
In non-officiated matches, it is not uncommon for a player to carry
an extra ball. If an extra ball is carried, it must not be visible to the
opponent. If a player accidentally drops an extra ball during a rally,
it will result in a fault. This does not apply in an officiated match
because the referee is responsible for removing any extra
pickleballs from play.
Medical Time-outs Called by a Referee (10.H.2.a)
If a referee, in the interest of player safety, determines that either
medical personnel or the Tournament Director should be
consulted for a player health issue, that time-out is not chargeable
to the player as a medical time-out. The player retains the right to
call their own medical time out later in the match, if needed.
Thanks for reading! All the best!
Pickleball Terry
Owner of
PPR Certified Coach