Ode to Dick-Our Man at Colonial Oaks Park

It was a few years ago that Dick Friede and Jan Wilhelm showed up to play pickleball inside at Colonial Oaks Park. I must admit, we were all a little scared of his serves and drives. Boy, he could and still can hit the ball hard. He got many serves by us, but alas, things have changed and the rest of us have stepped up our game and now return Dick’s high-powered serves. Well, most of them. And thanks to Dick’s BLOCKING DRILLS, we are able to block his lighting-fast drives…again most of them.


One day, a few years ago, Dick asked me advertise in my newsletter, Intermediate and Advanced Play Everyday at Colonial Oaks Park outside on the courts, much to the dismay of the tennis players.

Now Dick religiously comes every morning at 7:30a.m. with 4 nets and sets them up. One side of the courts have painted lines for pickleball, but the other side, Dick manages to chalk in somewhat straight lines. No one questions them by pulling out a yardstick; we’re just happy he does it.

A picture of Dick and Jan of Sarasotapickleball.com

His lovely partner, Jan, is also a force to be reckoned with on the courts. Though small in stature, she is fast as a bullet, and from years of playing tennis, knows how to place a ball so it’s out of reach for the other team. Anyway, they make a good couple on and off the pickleball court.

On Saturday, May 8, the usual Colonial Oaks gang arrived around 7:30 only to find that someone was there before them and left a message for Dick. An anonymous message by the way.  It was a nice way to say, “Dick. you are appreciated!” (Jan, you too.)

Thanks Dick and Jan from all the players at Colonial Oaks Park.


Ode to Dick in Sarasotapickleball.com

Your Lizard Brain And Pickleball

Your Lizard Brain and Pickleball

Your lizard brain…what?! I have a LIZARD BRAIN and what does it have to do with pickleball? Good question. Let’s start with the lizard brain…

Also referred to as your reptilian brain as it refers to the most primitive part of our brain, where lay the instincts that warn us of danger when it lurks.

Image result for reptilian brain psychology

The “basal ganglia” (lizard brain) refers to a group of subcortical nuclei within the brain responsible primarily for motor control, as well as other roles such as motor learning, executive functions, emotional behaviors, and play an important role in reward and reinforcement, addictive behaviors and habit formation.
In Nick Bollettieri, tennis master and founder of IMG tennis camp, said in his documentary (Love Means Zero-Showtime) about your lizard brain, it is the part of your brain that automatically knows when to step out of the way of a speeding car. You don’t have to process it…look there is a car…what should I do?  No, the lizard brain automatically takes over and you jump out of the way.
Wilson Men’s Pickleball Shoes Click Here
Activate your automatic…This is what your pickleball instructor means when they say, “MUSCLE MEMORY.” The pickleball students execute a drill over and over again until it is locked and loaded into their brain and it becomes automatic.
Example: I was standing at the net at my Friday clinic when one of my students popped the ball up.  At the moment, my thinking was more on what I was going to cook for dinner, but my lizard brain saw the ball and I automatically slammed it down the middle and past the dinking students. I apologized immediately. One of  them said wide eyed, “How did you do that?”  I said, “My lizard brain took over.”
Hence: to be better, to level up, and to be a competitive player, you have to DRILL DRILL DRILL.  What do you have to do? DRILL!!! Lock in to your muscle memory.
If you don’t want to drill, you don’t want to win.
But Terry, drilling is boring. No. it isn’t. If you find it boring, you are doing it wrong. Get a foursome together and go to a court, not during the morning rush, and drill. Set a length of time, say for an hour or two.  Somebody gets lazy in the group and declares it is boring and they want to play a game, then don’t ask them to drill next time. Get a group of DEDICATED TO IMPROVE. DRILL FOR THE THRILL!
Pickleball Terry
Receiving instructions at Pickleball Camp

Examples of some drills

Youtube is an excellent source to find pickleball drills. You can do 3rd Shot Drop drills, and dinking drills. Or sign up for a drill session with me.

Complaining students…

Whoa… I have blogged about this before, that in a clinic I was taking in Punta Gorda, one of the players complained to the instructor that his drill was boring. Oh, it went from bad to worse in just a few seconds as the student was scolded by the coach. “Don’t tell me how to run my class.” he demanded.

And I’ve had that happen to me. “Let’s move on, this is boring,” said one of my students. I moved on to another drill hoping she would find it more interesting.

Tom Brady: Hey Coach, I don’t have to practice anymore, I’m Tom Brady.
Coach: Get out of here!
Muscle Memory and Learning Skills

The famous saying practice makes perfect applies here.

You might have heard people mention the term muscle memory when you’ve been training and exercising. Muscle memory can also be referred to as motor memory and it refers to your body’s memory to perform certain actions.

And researching MUSCLE MEMORY I find this…

The two parts of the brain which are responsible for controlling the muscle memory are the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. They help to learn sequences of actions and help to adjust errors in learning in order to improve our ability to perform the movements correctly.

The cerebellum (which is Latin for “little brain”) is a major structure of the hindbrain that is located near the brainstem. This part of the brain is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements. It is also responsible for a number of functions including motor skills such as balance, coordination, and posture.

In order to learn movements and make them habits which can be performed efficiently, you must go through a process of attempting the movements and then refining these movements until you are happy with how you perform them. The movement or behavior becomes learned and ‘hard wired.”



To Order Click Here

A good example of this could be the first time you preform a pickleball underhanded serve with a continental grip. It feels weird and you fail at first, but keep on trying and you are able to improve your serve. During this process, you go from thinking really hard about how to execute it to performing it effortlessly without thinking!

The best example of motor memory would be learning to drive or to ride a bicycle – combinations of movements which at first are extremely difficult but once mastered are performed mostly without over thinking.

I hope this blog post inspires you to drill and not just get out there and play. Unless you are just a Sunday/Funday- kind of player, then ignore all of the above. But for the players who want to become better and be the kind of player everyone wants to challenge on the courts, then drilling is thrilling, and practice makes a better player.

Thank you for reading! All the best!

Pickleball Terry

Picture of Pickleball Terry, Terry Ryan

USA Pickleball Ambassador
PPR Certified Coach
Owner of SarasotaPickleball.com

Paddles Paddles! So Many Paddles

Feature image for title Paddle Paddle by Pickleball Terry

Paddles, Paddles…how do you choose? When I started playing pickleball, I used the standard of gold…only kidding. It with a wooden, heavy pickleball paddle.  Here is a picture of that bad boy.

How to scare an advanced player

Quickly, I realized that the more seasoned pickleball players were using esthetically more appealing paddles, and I purchased a BLASTER. I believed I bought it at Wal-Mart. Cheap and did the trick. Don’t be conned into purchasing an expensive paddle if you are brand new to pickleball. I suggest you learn the sport first before you invest in an expensive paddle.

Blaster Pickleball Terry

Sadly, I left my BLASTER at a facility and it was lost forever. I then moved into a PADDLETEX WAVE.

I didn’t know anything about the paddle. The person I bought it from just placed it in my hand and said, “Try this.” I thought okay, and I bought it for a whopping $150.00. What the heck?! I just paid $150.00 for a paddle that I knew nothing about?!

Years later and much more educated about paddles, I now go around with a LL Bean canvas bag that contain about 10 different paddles. I have low end to high end. I pass them out at my clinic on Fridays at the Y Berlin, and let  interested buyers demo my more expensive ones.

My canvas bag by Pickleball Terry


There are many brands on the market today. Selkirk, Onix, Head, Paddletek, Gamma, Golden, Vulcan, Third Shot Drop, Nuipopo, just to name a few. The pros will use whatever paddle they are being sponsored by. So, let’s just get this out there… no one paddle will instantly make you a 5.0 player.  That takes years of practice. (Having a natural athletic ability doesn’t hurt.)

What are paddles made from: (This is from the Third Shot Drop website. Jack the (owner) taught me everything about paddles.) 

Most paddles begin with a honeycomb core that has a surface material (also referred to as the skin or face) glued to both sides of it.  These 2 materials determine the COMPLETE BALL RESPONSE OF YOUR PADDLE.  After the core and surface are assembled, an edge and handle are attached.  It is then finished by wrapping the handle to form your grip.

Simple, right?  WRONG!  The catch is that there are a variety of cores, surfaces, paddle shapes, thicknesses, weights, grip shapes, and grip sizes to choose from.

Overwhelmed yet?  We sure were when we started learning that there were all these different options and, worse yet, no one was telling us accurate facts about them.  That’s how Third Shot Drop began!

First, we had to figure out how paddles really worked.  Then, we had to sort through the “information” and learn what was correct and how to make it all make sense.


Honeycomb core – There are 3 popular materials currently being used:

  • Aluminum– the softest (most touch)
  • Polymer– medium (most neutral)
  • Nomex– the hardest (most power)

The core determines about 75% of the paddle’s performance.

Surface (face, skin) – The 3 materials most used for paddle surfaces are:

  • Carbon Fiber (aka Carbon Fiber weave) – softest
  • Composite (aka Fiberglass) – medium
  • Graphite (aka non-woven Carbon Fiber) – hardest

The surface is used to fine tune how your paddle responds to the ball.

Finishing touches – These choices are what make your paddle fit you and your game precisely.

They are customizations that are not generally available in all aspects from most manufacturers.  However, it is these factors that will immediately improve your game and help step up your confidence and skill level.

  • Grip shape– Most common are
    • oval
    • octagon (tennis)
    • square
  • Grip size – Should fit your hand/finger length; Sizes range from 4” to 5 ½” circumference
  • Paddle weight– Weights range from 7 ounces to 11 ounces. Although it’s a matter of personal preference, many pros recommend heavier weights for improved balance and control.
Okay, if you are reading this and got this far, you already know more than I knew the first 3 years of playing pickleball.
If you have played with me on the courts, you know that I have been playing with a Gearbox G6 Joey Faris special edition.
It is not a honeycombed paddle.  Instead it is constructed with Patented SST. Patented SST uses an advanced proprietary molding process utilizing high strength unidirectional carbon fiber, that is meticulously hand laid and arranged at very precise angles. The angle configuration of these carbon fiber is critical and directly related to the paddle’s overall durability and playability. I love it! More here.

I also use the Vulcan V550 , a hybrid. Good for power and control. I prefer a 5 inch long handle and 4 1/4 gripe. Jack, from Third Shot Sports recommended a heavier paddle to take most of the force of hitting the ball therefore saving my elbow, so my paddles will weigh 8.0 ounces and up.


Pickleball Terry

Z5 Onix – Order here

Onix  Styker – Order here

Selkirk – Order here

Paddletek – Order here

Good info about fair play.

SHARE THE BALL by: Gregg Whitfield

SHARE THE BALL by: Gregg Whitfield

From the blog: Picklebilly.com






You will not find one particular paddle brand taking on the courts in Sarasota. I see a plethora of different designs. A couple of years ago, I thought Selkirk was going to dominate, but they lost ground as more companies started competing for a piece of the paddle pie.

Pickleball TerrySimone Jardine – Prince

Corrine Carr – Vulcan

Kyle Yates – Paddletek

Sarah Ansboury – Head

Don’t rush out and buy the most expensive paddle because someone told you it was going to make you a winner.  I see great players with entry level paddles dominating on the court. Please take your time and once you think you are ready to advance to a better paddle, think about what you want from it. Control? Power? A longer handle for two-handed backhands? Nomex core? A little education goes a long way.

There are now over 300 paddle companies. Check to see that the paddle you want to buy is USA Pickleball approved. Click here.

Also, where is it made? What is the warrantee? Is this the best price or could I do better on Amazon or at Dicks?

If you have more questions, feel free to shoot me an email. Dinkpickleball@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading,

Pickleball Terry
PPR Pickleball Coach

Pickleball Terry







What About COVID And Pickleball

Someone said, “If you watched Pickleball Terry you wouldn’t know there was COVID.” It’s true. If you saw my calendar, you would see that I play outside and inside with a lot of different people. So far, so good. (Knock on wood.) But I am certainly not encouraging you to take risks.  If you feel the least bit uncomfortable with the situation, please listen to your conscience and don’t play, especially if you have underlining health conditions.

Calendar for Pickleball Terry

Pickleball Terry at RL Taylor
RL Taylor

Some people are shocked when they see me in pictures with other players close together, and we are not wearing masks. I know. Believe me, I know. If I contract COVID I give you permission to say, “I told you so.”

The indoor pickleball facilities are doing their best to keep things safe. They are limiting the number of players, and disinfectant is easily accessible The staff does their part in sanitizing areas after/between pickleball times.

Remember: You must preregister to play inside at a county facility. No preregistering for the Ys, Church of the Palms, RL Taylor Community Center (except for the beginner’s class-limited to 8.)

Masks are mandatory to enter a building but not while you are playing. I want everyone to realize this before your travel to an indoor facility or outdoor court to play and find out that not everyone wears a mask while playing. Based on this understanding, you should make an informed decision. Are you comfortable playing inside or outside if everyone is not wearing a mask?

Some people feel more secure playing outside with a better air flow but again, not everyone wears a mask. They do try to social distance between games, and touching someone else’s  paddle is considered taboo.  Also standing closer than 6 feet is not good. I have to admit, that sometimes I forget and I come too close when I’m talking with someone. They gently remind me to “step back.”

( Currently, my favorite paddle. Gearbox GX6)

Remember, if you are not feeling well, please do not come to the courts. And being tested for COVID is as easy as standing in line at RL Taylor for 30 mins. No cost. Testing also available at the old dog track on 5400 Bradenton Rd, Sarasota. When in doubt, get tested. (I’ve done it and it’s painless.)

What to bring with you for playing pickleball:

Stay safe out there.

Pickleball Terry

USA Pickleball Ambassador
PPR Certified Coach
Owner of SarasotaPickleball.com

Pickleball Terry







New Pickleball Rules For 2021 by Pickleball Terry

New Rules For Pickleball 2021

Yesterday I received an email with the new rule changes to the Official Pickleball Rule Book from the USA Pickleball Association. Surprisingly, the “let” rule has been eliminated. Meaning, that there are no more LETS on the serve. If during the serve, the ball hits the net but lands in the opponents correct side of the court, and not in the kitchen, it is a playable ball. No more TAKE OVERS. If someone calls a FAULT and stops the play, they lose the serve, or if the opponents yell LET during  serve the, the serving side gains a point.

Or when the ball hits the net then lands in the kitchen, the server loses the serve. This should move the game along.

Another interesting change, you can not hit a ball then call BALL and a replay if a ball rolls on the court.  You must stop play before returning a stroke. As in no more, I messed up but it was because a ball rolled on the court.

Rule 4 M 11 States that it is a FAULT if the ball is served before the entire score is being called. This is to end quick serving. (A tactic to catch opponents off guard. Can’t do that anymore.)

Here is a new one…a player may use their paddle to toss the ball up for the serve. You no longer are just limited to your other hand to toss the ball for the serve. Reason…to stop the spread of disease. (Not making this up.)

There are 81 pages of changes, most have to do with clarifications when a referee is present. But here it is in PDF for you to review.

  NEW CHANGES TO THE USA PICKLEBALL RULES FOR 20212021 Change Document 12-13-20

Thanks for reading,

Pickleball Terry
USA Pickleball Ambassador
Certified Pickleball Coach PPR
Owner of SarasotaPickleball.com



Where is Everyone Playing? By Pickleball Terry

Where is everyone playing? It used to be easy…before COVID. We all went to one of the county or city facilities and played inside.  Not this fall. Sarasota pickleball players are scattered all over the county playing outside, and we are finding out we like playing outside.

Why aren’t we playing indoors? All the county facilities are open for play.

It requires registering. Seems that pickleball players do not like to register. We don’t know who is going to be playing, and this requires commitment. Ha! This is not going over well.

I personally tried to organize a few friends to signup to play indoors at Colonial Oaks Park, and I went online to register. But try as I might, I couldn’t. I went to the office the next day and asked why I wasn’t successful. Patricia, who is the park manager there, said I had to register 48 hours prior. She said she only had one person who signed up so she cancelled the time slot. Unfortunately, It also is not possible to see who else is signed up to play. On pickleball signup apps like the Pickleball Den, you can see the names and sometimes level of who is playing.

A couple years ago, I did try to organize a signup program on Signup Genius, but unfortunately it didn’t catch on and it fizzled out. It was especially great for the RL Taylor Friday night play because players could see if enough people were playing before they drove to the facility. But, nope, it was not successful and I abandoned promoting it.

Then there were the private groups. I and other people rented county facilities for a couple of hours on certain days then invited our friends of equal playing ability to play. These were great because X number of people would play and there was no long waiting between games. We all remember the LONG WAIT TIME at Arlington, RL Taylor and Salvation Army. Ugh! 45 minutes of waiting to play a 10 minute game.

I also sought out info on renting an indoor facility this year but the paperwork that was sent to me was scary! I would have had to submit an action plan on How Would I Keep the Players Safe From COVID? That did it for me. Nope!

While indoor play at the county facilities is down or nonexistent right now (Colonial Park-2 courts, Longwood Park-3 courts, Newtown-4 Courts) I hear that people are playing inside at Englewood and Venice Community Center.

City Indoor Facilities

RL Taylor does not require preregistering. They have 2 courts open at 9-3 Monday  – Friday. You can only sign up for blocks of time. Masks are worn to come into any inside facility but not while you are playing. Taylor is a COVID testing center and if there is a line of cars to get into the parking lot, just go around and tell the attendant that you are there to play pickleball.

Arlington Park is not open at this time.

Salvation Army on Tuttle has not opened at this time.

Church of the Palms does not require preregistering. They have 3 courts in their beautiful gym and limit it to 24 people. Eye protective glasses are required.


City Facilities Indoors

RL Taylor Community Center 
1845 34th St, Sarasota, FL 34234
You can register now at the front desk. If there is a line of cars for COVID testing, just go around them and tell the guard you are there to play pickleball. He’ll let you right in.

Monday and Wednesday: Beginners
Tuesday and Thursday: Intermediate/Advanced
Fridays: Open play
Hours: 9:00am to 3:00pm broken into 2-hour blocks of time.
In order to maintain the cleanliness with an abundance of caution the courts will have to be cleared 15 minutes prior to the end of the time block in order to give the staff adequate cleaning time. The playable time will be 9am-10:45am, 11am-12:45pm and 1pm-3pm.
More people are showing up. Mornings are busy, Afternoons are empty.
A picture of Pickleball Terry Ryan and Coach Russell from Suncoast Pickleball
Pickleball Terry and Coach Russell, owner of Suncoast Pickleball

Arlington Park Still Closed

Below is a list of indoor county facilities

Englewood Sports Complex 
1300 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223
You must pre-register before going CLICK HERE to any county facility!!!!
Venice Community Center 
326 Nokomis Ave S, Venice, FL 34285


Newtown Park
2800 Newtown Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34234

Colonial Oaks Park
5300 Colonial Oaks Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34233

Longwood Park
6050 Longwood Run Blvd, Sarasota, FL

Laurel Park
509 Collins Rd., Nokomis, FL 34275

Woodmere Park
3951 Woodmere Park Blvd, Venice, FL 34293

Below are the times for the Ys. Drop-in. No pre-registering required. Cost is free for members, Guests are free for first visit (please check in at the front desk. After that $7.00)
OUR Y ESL (Formally the YMCA) 
Potter Park Dr., Sarasota, FL 34238Members free and Drop-in $7.00
Did you know…if you are new to the Y they will give you a free pass?Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Intermediate/advanced (2 courts)
Intermediate/Beginners (1 court)

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Beginner lessons with Bob
7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.

Beginners/Intermediate (2 courts) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Intermediate/advanced (1 court) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Beginners/Intermediate (2 courts) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Intermediate/advanced (1 court) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Saturday-8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Intermediate/Advanced only
Sunday-10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. OPEN PLAY

Our Y Berlin
1075 S. Euclid Street

Mondays 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
NIGHT!!!!!   Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesdays 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
NIGHT!!! Thursdays 6:30 p.m. – 9::00 p.m.

Beginner/Novice clinic with Pickleball Terry
Drills/Techniques/Strategies/ Games
Fridays 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
(Members free and $7.00 for non-members)

Friday Beginners – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sundays 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Open play

The Church of the Palms
3224 Bee Ridge Rd, Sarasota, FL 34239
(Note: Protective lenses are required.)
Tuesday and Thursday 
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Intermediate and Advanced

Tuesday and Thursday 
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
All play
Thursday, December 24 – no Pickleball
Friday, December 25 – no Pickleball
Thursday, December 31 – morning play only from 9:00 – 12:00.
Friday, January 1 – no Pickleball

*We will try to maintain a maximum of 24 players in the facility

The Center at Anna Maria Island
Is open again.
Click here for more info.

GT Bray (Indoors) For more information contact Jay Jaudon at 941 742-5923 x6 – Send Email
All levels and no reservation required for outdoor pickleball at GT Bray.
Click Here and Here
G.T. Bray Pickleball Outdoor Courts are OPEN
  Outdoor drop-in with skill-level choices is now Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday:8:30-noon.
(941) 742-5923


Outdoor play, as you expect, is popular in Sarasota with COVID and we live in Florida with beautiful weather. Who wouldn’t prefer to play outside! Love it!

Colonial Oaks Park is the HOT place to play in central Sarasota. Dick Friede is the volunteer that sets the nets up everyday, 7 days a week, 7:30 a.m. – 11ish. There are 2 tennis courts with one court lined for 2 pickleball courts. Nets are not supplied by the county. You have to bring your own if you want to play in the afternoon or at night. There are lights for nighttime play, bathroom facilities close and plenty of parking.

Because this location is popular and many players showing up, we have chalked out the other tennis court for 2 more pickleball courts. This is where the problem is. When and if tennis players show up, the pickleball players have to vacate the tennis court. This has caused friction between the tennis players and the pickleball players. Oh boy. We need dedicated pickleball courts in central Sarasota so we don’t have to share with the tennis players.

Fruitville Park has 2 tennis courts and all are lined for 4 pickleball courts. There are lights and a bathroom close by. We also do not need to give up the courts if tennis players show up. It is first come, first serve. NO ORGANIZED PLAY. You must wrangle up your own players and your own nets.

Picture of History of Pickleball

Siesta Key Public Tennis Courts have 4 tennis courts and 2 are lined for 4 pickleball courts. No organized play and bring your own nets. The bathrooms are a hike away but plenty of parking and lights. The tennis players can get pretty testy with pickleball players so be cautious with running behind their courts or letting balls wander onto their courts. First come, first serve so try to get there early to beat the tennis players.

Gillepsie Park in downtown Sarasota has 3 tennis courts and one of the courts has lines for 2 pickleball courts and nets that are left by the fence that you can move to the pickleball courts. It is hit of miss. Sometimes I go there to play and I have to wait. Other times, no one is there. Can’t figure the pattern out. No lights and the last time I tried to use the restrooms, they were locked.

Newtown Park has 2 tennis courts and both are lined for 4 pickleball courts. Bring your own nets. Bathrooms in the main building or across the street at the library. NO organized play. If you see a group playing there and any place I have written that does NOT have organized, drop-in play, it is a private group of friends. Will they let you play if you happen upon them? Maybe, but they are not required to.

Lakewood Ranch has dedicated pickleball courts by the high school for drop-in play. I have heard mixed reports and some people have told me they don’t like new people, and  people have said it is a very inviting group. Here is info from Bob Haskins who “runs” things at the courts. LWR Pickleball Club Newsletter LWR DECEMBER
No lights and not sure what the bathroom situation is.

…If you see a group playing there and any place I have written that does NOT have organized, drop-in play, it is a private group of friends. Will they let you play if you happen upon them? Maybe, but they are not required to…

Twin Lakes Park does not have organized play and does not supply the nets. They have 2 tennis courts and both are lined for 4 courts. No lights, sorry. The bathrooms are a hike but plenty of parking. Tennis dominates at this location and hard to plan a group to play there because you never know if all the courts (and they usual are) have tennis players. Sorry.

Laurel Park in Venice has 2 tennis courts that are lined for 4 pickleball courts. There is NO organized play there but yes for lights. Lots of parking and bathroom close by.

Foxworthy Park in Venice. Finally, dedicated courts for pickleball! Yea! 6 of them with drop-in play in the mornings. (All organized, drop-in play is in the morning.) Bathrooms are a HIKE! Might as well drive to them. No lights! They used to have a porta-potty but kids kept on tipping it over so it was removed. Also, there are 2 tennis courts nearby with one court lined for 2 pickleball brings. Bring your own net and friends to play on the tennis courts here.

Englewood Sports Complex has indoor and outdoor dedicated courts. Outdoor: (12) Permanent Outdoor Pickleball Courts. Lights available until 10pm Sept-May. No Reservations or fees for outdoor courts, 1st Come, 1st Serve. M-W-F mornings are intermediate to advanced play. Tu-Th-Sat are beginner to intermediate play. Bathrooms nearby and plenty of parking.

The schedule is constantly changing so to keep everyone up-to-date I send out a weekly newsletter. Please signup for my newsletter.


Pickleball Terry

Pickleball Terry

Why Most of Us Don’t Dink by Terry Ryan

There we are, warming up at the net making sure our toes are not on the kitchen line and dinking politely and carefully to each other, when It doesn’t take long before someone gets a little itchy to start the game and hits a hard shot; usually the signal to start.  Then the game begins and no one dinks again. What? We all have been told that the game of pickleball is won at the kitchen line, and it is true. The entire premise of a good defense is who gets up to the kitchen line first,  and those that do control the game. Dinking comes into play when all opponents are at the kitchen line and each side is hitting balls into the opponents kitchen waiting for a screwup by the other team.

So what’s up with that? Most of us have taken a couple of clinics or private lessons, or watched Youtube videos. They all show us that dinking is important. But what stops us from dinking during a game? Fear!

That’s right, fear. Fear that we are going to screwup and hit the ball into the net or, just as bad, pop the ball up so the opponents slam it pass us. Yes, that’s about right. Why? Because we do not drill enough.

Drilling eliminates fear. And when I say drill I mean drill 90% and play 10%. If that doesn’t appeal to you then drill 75% and play 25%. Dink until it becomes automatic. Something you don’t have to overthink when you are playing; it comes naturally. They call it MUSCLE MEMORY.

What to do? Drill. Find a person willing to be your drill partner.  A player that wants to UP their game as much as you do. Interestingly enough, it is hard to do. Most intermediate players are unwilling to drill. They find it boring. I have put together drill groups, and I can just tell that they can’t wait to start a game instead of drilling, Yes, drilling can be boring unless you realize the importance of practice, practice, practice! If you can wrap your head around that, and focus instead of how important it is and an integral part of the process of improving your game, it will no longer become boring.

Is drilling for everyone? No. It’s not for the social players who just want to get a little exercise and see their pickleball friends. Their game is just fine the way it is. But for the player who wants to be competitive and play in tournaments, drilling is essential.

At my Friday’s clinics, we do a lot of drills for 2 hours. I have watched beginner pickleball players become aggressive intermediate players. Their games improve immensely because of all the drilling. I also try to make it fun and introduce new drills each week to challenge them.

Funny story, I remember at a clinic I was in that we were all working on a drill over and over again. The instructor wanted us to get it down. It was towards the end of the day, and sure the instructor and the students were getting tired, when one of the students spoke up and said, “This is boring! Let’s do something else.” (Whoaaaaa) The instructor snapped his head around and told her that this was his class and she wasn’t going to tell him what to do! Awkward for the rest of us. But I remembered that scenario months later when someone in my class arrived late and told me that she was bored with the drill we were working on and to do something else. My mind flashed back to that rather ugly scene at the clinic and I said, “Okay.” Let’s do…(so and so). We quickly went into another drill (I have many that I have made up over the years, like, Walk of Shame and Dirty Dinking, and we proceeded to have a great rest of the class. Dodged that bullet.

Months later, that same person came up to me and told me her love of pickleball was instilled in her because of me. Wow! Powerful words and it makes what I do so worthwhile. I notice this person doesn’t like to drill and will she ever be more than a social player? Probably not. But as long as she is having fun and getting exercise in a positive environment, that’s all that is important. But, and I mean BIG BUT… if you want to become a 3.5 and up, so that opponents go gulp when they see you on the other side of the court, well, you better start drilling.

Christmas suggestion…purchase a $25.00 gift certificate for your favorite pickleball player here for 1 hour of personal drilling with Pickleball Terry.

Keep playing pickleball!
Pickleball Terry
PPR Certified Coach
USA Pickleball Ambassador
Sarasota Pickleball Organization


My Review of the Rogue 2 Gel-Core

By pickleball Terry

I couldn’t resist trying out the Rogue 2E Gel-Core paddle. Everyone has heard of the honeycomb core, usually nomex material. Did you know that nomex is a popular material used for building aircraft interiors?

Nomex can be rigid and unpredictable, and also giving the paddle that loud POP sound when hitting the ball.

In recent years, polypropylene have become popular for pickleball paddle cores, and much more forgiving as far as the ball direction. This led to Players Pickleball Company to come up with a polypropylene/gel combination. Their solution is an entirely new hybrid material made possible by a proprietary manufacturing techniques. Without giving away too many secrets, they use an polypropylene honeycomb material that has been infused with an elastomeric material within the paddle face. They are able to fine-tune the infusion process to provide several benefits.

For those who prefer an elongated paddle shape, they bring you the Rogue2E! At 17″, it’s the maximum length allowed by the USAPA.

The Rogue2/Rogue2E paddles are game-changing in more ways than one. Featuring the new and improved 2nd Generation Gel-Core technology, vibration-damping carbon fiber throat reinforcement, and massively increased durability, all with a price well below the competition, the Rogue2/Rogue2E are a hit for players at all levels. I paid $129.00 and free shipping through the link below.


The video below covers all of the features of the Rogue2. The Rogue2E is the same paddle, just in a different shape.

Overall, I thought the paddle was excellent with control of shots. It has a lot of oomph and I was hitting the balls  harder than I am used to. Something to get used to so you don’t hit a ball out. It has a long handle perfect for two-handed backhand players, but I found the grip (4 1/8 circumference) a little slippery so I will add an overlay grip.

The paddle has a graphite face for slicing and I was able to hit a couple of NO RETURNERS just dropping the ball over the net.

There are several colors and I purchased the ROGUE2 ARTWORK CONTEST WINNER FEATURING SCOTT GRENSTED

Gel-Core Second Generation Pickleball Paddle

The Second Generation Gel-Core improves the paddle in several measurable ways:

  • Larger Sweet Spot
  • Greater Paddle Stability on Ball Impact
  • Reduced Vibrations Transmitted to the Player’s Hand
  • Softer Ball Impact Sound
  • Improved Durability over First Generation

They took the blueprint for the 1st generation Gel-Core, which was already a proven performer and refined it further, giving it much increased durability along with improved vibration absorbing characteristics.

Players Pickleball is based in Bellingham, Washington, just a short distance from the birthplace of the sport. All of their paddles are USAPA-Approved and proudly made in the USA.

I loved this paddle after using it once. If you want to demo the paddle, send me an email or spot me on the courts.

Pickleball Terry


Sarasota Pickleball Club is not Pickleball Terry



I am not the CLUB

Sarasota Pickleball and Pickleball Terry is not Sarasota Pickleball Club. We are two different entities promoting pickleball in Sarasota.

I know that recently, the Club sent out an email asking for membership donations. A few people questioned me about that and were a little confused. I don’t blame them. It’s confusing and it is not me. I am not the Sarasota Pickleball Club, Inc.

Pickleball Terry and Sarasota Pickleball’s History

In 2017 I was happily playing pickleball, (not well I might add so I was dismissed to the first court at Arlington, but trying hard to make my way up to the second court), where I met Deann who was already sending out emails listing the places to play in Sarasota. She decided to hand that responsibilty over to someone else, and I eventually took over where she left off. That was the fall of 2017, and I purchased domain names (SarasotaPickleball.com, SarasotaPickleballAssociation.com, SarasotaPickleballOrganization.com, PickleballTerry.com), built a website and Sarasota Pickleball has been growing since to 1,300 subscribers.

My game has gotten slightly better, and I have the honor to introduce other people to pickleball. The newsletter has improved with more news, tips, memes, and funny jokes to get you all through COVID.

My weekly goal is to play at different locations, meet new players, and keep the familiar faces on the courts informed. Soon, I will be hosting the Welcome Back Pickleball Tournament indoors as soon as I am able to secure a County or City location.  I hope my enthusiasm is inspiring. Really, I have a great time doing this. Thank you for letting me be a part of your pickleball life.

A picture of Pickleball Terry Ryan and Coach Russell from Suncoast Pickleball
Pickleball Terry and Coach Russell, owner of Suncoast Pickleball

Now what’s the Club all about?

Sarasota Pickleball Club, Inc. (not Sarasota Pickleball) has recently filed as a corporation with the State 4/30/2020 CLICK HERE. They are a not-for-profit and currently work as lobbyists for building more DEDICATED, outdoor pickleball courts in Sarasota.

I, as Pickleball Terry and Sarasota Pickleball, promote playing pickleball in Sarasota as an USAPA Ambassador, through marketing on this site and weekly newsletter.  I report news about Sarasota County, Sarasota City,  Our Ys, Lakewood Ranch Pickleball, Bradenton Parks and Recreation,  Health Fit, Church of the Palms and Salvation Army,  by advertising their times of play, levels of play, and any special events.

If my name, Pickleball Terry, isn’t on the email, it’s not from me.


People were confused because SPC was requesting memberships, and they may think they are contributing to me. That is not the case.  Not me or Sarasota Pickleball. If you want more info about the Sarasota Pickleball Club (Board members, Tom Everitt, Carrie Palmer, and Cathy Denault), you can go to their website by clicking here. 

Now it gets more confusing: Other pickleball groups with “Sarasota” in its name.  Sarasota Pickleball Academy. Pickleball Sarasota. All different people.

In conclusion, all good groups and people trying to promote pickleball in Sarasota. Let’s work together and keep on playing.


Pickleball Terry

  • For more info: Dinkpickleball@gmail.com





How to Maintain Your Focus

Keeping mental focus Sarasota PickleballWhen I first started out playing pickleball, I found it very hard to maintain my  focus. Little things would steal my concentration; a yell “OUT!” from another court, people walking behind the court I’m playing on, or just someone new walking in the door. And the minute something steals my attention whoosh there goes a ball by me.

Here is a video on improving your mental focus. 

Sometimes my mind will wander, and I’ll even start thinking about my shopping list, or other errands I should do after pickleball. All the above is not good for your game. Your mind should be on one thing, and that is the next shot. Not even the hopeful outcome of the game, but your next shot. Meaning; don’t get ahead of yourself.

You can become rattled by a bad shot you made, or even by the opponents saying the incorrect score, and you’re thinking, wasn’t it 2 – 4? How did they get 3? Meanwhile, the ball is going back and forth and you are still thinking of the score. Not good! Your head should be in the game. What is happening right now? Where are your opponents’ weaknesses? Who has the weak backhand?

There are some tricks to keeping your mind in the game. As the ball is moving back and forth, pickleball pro Sarah Ansboury, likes to point her paddle in the direction of the ball. She feels this keeps her focused.

(Check out this video by Sarah Ansboury-What’s in my bag?)

Sarah Ansboury keeping focused Sarasota Pickleball
Sarah Ansboury

Another way, is to say “ball” (to yourself)  as the ball is coming towards you, and another pro told me to look for the holes in the ball. It’s hard to be distracted when you are focusing on the ball.

Pickleball quilt Sarasota Pickleball


I would recommend getting into your game head. As soon as you step onto the court clear your mind of everything else. Say to yourself, I am only thinking about this game. Between points, I will tap my hat with my paddle and that is code to my brain to FOCUS!  You can tap your knee or squeeze your paddle as a way to get ready. But please don’t slap your thigh with your paddle so it creates a loud SLAP. That is neither helpful or comforting to your partner.

If you miss a shot, don’t continue to think about it. Shake it off. Tap your knee. Focus on the next rally. If someone rolls their eyes at you or gives you a smirk, ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Think only about winning the next shot.

In a tournament, one of the opponents’ strategies is to call a time out if you and your partner are getting way ahead in points. This is a method to break your concentration.  Take this time, for a water break and keep thinking about the game. When you get back on the court, stay on the balls of your feet, give your partner a little encouragement with a tap of the paddles, a look meaning “we’ve got this!” and proceed where you left off.

To summarize, stay FOCUSED!

By Pickleball Terry

USAPA Sarasota Ambassador
Creator or SarasotaPickleball.com